In addition to the LED, let's add some input so we can vary the LED speed. Attach a potentiometer to ground, pin A1, and VCC like shown in the diagram.
Load and run the following sketch:
/* LED attached to D13 Potentiometer attached to A1 */ int sensorPin = A1; // potentiometer connected analog pin 1 int ledPin = 13; // LED is connected to digital pin 13 long lastPrint; // variable to track how often to print void setup() {// this function runs once when the sketch starts up Serial.begin(9600); // so we can talk back to the computer Serial.println("LED_and_Potentiometer.pde"); pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); lastPrint = millis(); // time in ms since reset } void loop(){ // this function runs repeatedly after setup() finishes int sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); // get 10-bit reading digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turn the LED on delay(sensorValue); // Pause for sensorValue in ms digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Turn the LED off delay(sensorValue); // Pause for sensorValue in ms if((millis() - lastPrint) > 1000){// only print once a second Serial.println(sensorValue); lastPrint = millis(); } } |
You should be able to open the Serial Monitor (

- What is the range of sensorValue?
- How many bits would it take to represent these values?
- What is the shortest sensor value that you can still see the blinking?
So how fast can the Arduino cycle the LED? It is clocked at 16 MHz, which means it executes 16 million instructions per second, but how many instructions does it take take to turn the LED on and off? Let's write a routine to figure it out:
void timerLoop(){ long cycles = 100000; long startTime = millis(); Serial.print("Timing 100,000 LED cycles: "); for(long x=0; x<cycles; x++){ digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); } long elapsedTime = millis() - startTime; Serial.print(elapsedTime); Serial.println(" ms"); Serial.print(cycles / elapsedTime); Serial.println(" LED cycles per millisecond!"); Serial.print("or "); Serial.print(cycles / elapsedTime * 1000); Serial.println(" per second."); } |
Tune in next time and we'll add a button and test the eye/hand reaction time.
Amazing, thanks! 9microseconds per on/off cycle. Very interesting. I've wondered about building an Arduino-driven strobe system to watch jet break-up (Rayleigh instability). One would only need on the order of 100 Hz for this, I think.